12 ViewsHIFU uses ultrasonic energy (emission of an acoustic wave through the tissues at a precise point which delivers, in a time of the order of a millisecond, […]
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Tips for getting the most out of your urban running sessions
14 ViewsBy combining running on the flat with climbing and descending stairs and hills, we train in a much more entertaining way and we strengthen our muscles , […]
Reshape Your Eyes With Contact Lenses
19 ViewsOrthokeratology is the design and fitting of special gas-permeable contact lenses that gently transform the transparent front surface of the eye (cornea), so that you can see […]
Permanent laser hair removal
14 ViewsIt is sometimes possible to practice it on adolescents and children aged 12 and over. However, treatment at this age cannot be considered permanent hair removal. Additionally, […]
15 ViewsThis vanilla-strawberry children’s Number Cake is obviously adaptable for adults, but remember to multiply your quantities by 2 to make 2 figures ( or others depending on […]
The detriment of the dental prosthesis?
13 ViewsThe dental implant A fashionable alternative, the dental implant surpasses all other methods for many reasons. If you’re wondering why your dentist recommends this option, read on. […]
What is HIFU treatment?
21 ViewsHIFU or high intensity focused ultrasound are electroacoustic waves. They allow certain areas of the face to be reshaped and lifted. Indeed, over time our dermis has […]
how to wash your hands and moisturize them properly
8 ViewsThere is no way to completely protect yourself from germs. Indeed, different types of bacteria live on our skin without putting our health at risk. However, washing […]
Therapy to correct myopia
22 ViewsAs the corneal reshaping effect is temporary, the risks involved are very slight. Additionally, you can stop wearing the lenses at any time, as long as you […]
The most out of every workout
24 ViewsFind your mind-muscle connection to sculpt from head to toe The effectiveness of strength training depends on the connection between mind and muscle. Have you squatted to […]